Selected Project: : Accedia
- metta | salt water space
- Sendo
- Tintyava Gardens - Phase 2
- Petya Noycheva & Partners
- Sequoia House
- Convex CRO
- Mellini Fashion
- Tintyava Gardens
- High West Rhodope Interactive Map
- Message in a bottle
- Logo Nature
- Agropolychim
- Velinov & Partners
- Harmonica Organic Foods
- Accedia
- EcoCompost
- Glavinitsa-Tutrakan-Slivo Pole Interactive Map
- Janev Engineering
- Motopista Nova
- Bio.bg
- Replica Theatre
- Roboshop
- Atelier 3 Architects
- Sanbolic
- Brain Tour
- RaceBook / FaceRacer
- ScaleFocus
- HelloHome
- Sanbolic
- National Endowment Fund "13 Centuries of Bulgaria"
- Studio Apxe Architects
- Venice Opera Tickets
- Itsus Eco Kids
- Mlad Dihatel Alpine Club
- Rome Opera Tickets
- Bio Bulgaria organic foods
- A&A Quiz Games
- Hahaha Impro Theatre
- Danube Sturgeons | WWF
- Convex Clinical Research
- Bouzeva & Partners Law Firm
- DZI Online
- ScaleFocus
- Gorichka
- Barcelona Opera Tickets
- Arhe Passive Houses
- Architecture of Totalitarian Regimes of 20th century in Urban Management (ATRIUM)
- Management plan of the Ancient city of Nessebar (POU Nessebar)
- The Ancient Stadium of Philippopolis
- PDM Services
- Prague Opera Tickets
- Biotrade Cosmeceuticals eShop
- Forest Gene Fund
- Podem Crane Russia
- Vienna Opera Tickets
- Central Balkan - Interactive Map
- Maleeva Tennis Club
- Termoflex
- Bulgarian Institute of Egyptology
- City Euro
- Garant Insurance
- А++
- SG Project
- Harmonica
- The Ancient Stadium of Philippopolis [beta]
- ICOMOS Bulgaria
- Tennis Shop
- Machinex Machines
- University of Architecture, Construction and Geodesy (UACEG)
- Itsus Eco Kids
- ImageContext Portfolio
- Strategize!
- Podem Crane
- Let's Get Closer
- Silvester Gala
- InvoiceMe
- Interactive Map of Forests
- MD Prescriptives Nutraceuticals
- Biomag organic foods store
- Indioteque
- Windows 7 - The New Efficiency - Q&A Wall
- Guide of Vienna
- Loopink Portfolio
- Harmonica Organic Foods
- A&A Tickets Online - Budapest Concerts
- Capasca Independent Designers Project
- Stanilov - Hydroengineering and construction
- Interton One
- DotPoint
- Gorichka
- Tomel Co
- Fontan2
- Itsus Eco System Green
- Capasca Independent Designers Project
- Cultural Corridors of Southeast Europe - Heritage:ESPRIT
- ImageContext Portfolio
- Fabless Centre for Engineering and Test (FACET)
- Classicworld Salzburg, Prague, Budapest
- A&A Tickets Online Venice Concerts
- Demner, Merlicek & Bergmann Sofia (DM&B Sofia)
- Programata - Free Cultural Guide
- Bio.bg - organic products in Bulgaria
- Noveo Office Centre
- LexLocus Law Offices
- Floe Design Portfolio
- EcoCompost
- Gorichka.bg - the green e-zine
- Mama's Hour
- Such is Life
- Supernova Media
- BioFerma.bg
- bio.gorichka.bg
- Phoenix Insurance Broker
- mail.bG webmail and portal
- Dimiter Kirov - DiKiro
- Trimix
- A&A Tickets Online
- Zazz.bg
- Intellectual Legacy of Pancho Vladigerov
- Gorichka.bg - The Green e-Zine
- Ikis Studio Light [Revisited]
- IcePark Nescafe 3in1
- Ticket Office Berlin
- Programata i-mode
- ImageContext Portfolio
- A&A Banners
- Guia de Viena
- Programata turns 5
- Gorichka.bg [beta]
- Bauhaus Architecture Studio
- Convex Clinical Research Services
- Upsurt 3in1 On Tour
- Cultural Corridors of Southeast Europe
- Classicworld Vienna
- Treasure Quest - Children and the Cultural Heritage of South East Europe
- Model Dance Agency
- Place By The Sea
- Smiah v Zalata
- Capasca. The Lifestyle Concept.
- Zagata - Modern Lighting Solutions
- Karalambeva Interior Design
- Freestyle. The Sofia Lifeguide
- Upsurtonline.Coming Soon
- Ikis Studio Light
- Fontan2 Portfolio
- Avon Colortrend Contest
- Association of Bulgarian Pharmaceutical Manufacturers (ABPhM)
- Bulgarian Association of Clinical Research (BACR)
- Maleeva Tennis Club
- Indoor Advertising
- Showtime Subscription
- Kamenitsa Grand Pro
- Athletic Fitness
- Capasca. The Lifestyle Concept.
- DarExpress - Gift Baskets eShop
- SIF 309 - Bulgarian Symphony Orchestra
- E.Leclerc Consommables - Blagnac
- Komet Management
- Biotrade - Medical Cosmetics eShop
- Insens Cosmetics
- Programata - Free Cultural Guide [Redesign]
- PK Asset Consultants
- LM Legal Services